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Portrait of Joseph Lee

Joe Lee

Director & General Manager

Joseph Lee (Joe) is the Director and General Manager of WAER FM, a 50,000 watt National Public Radio affiliate owned and operated by Syracuse University.  His 30 year career in public media has been focused on providing enriching content that educates, enlightens, and informs civil discourse and cultural expression.

Recently, under his direction, WAER has combined traditional news reporting with the power of community engagement by creating the award-winning City Limits Poverty Project, a year-long examination of rising poverty in Syracuse, NY.  Prior to joining Syracuse University in 1992, Joe served as Program Director at WEAA FM licensed to Morgan State University in his hometown of Baltimore, MD.  He hosts the podcasts The 3-1-5 and Pop Life for WAER and his personal blog and podcast Life in HD.

Connect on Twitter: @jblee883