The republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor joined State Comptroller Candidate Bob Antonacci today in Syracuse to announce a way to get more votes in November – possibly from people who aren’t republicans. They filed 62,000 petition signatures to create the “Stop Common Core” party and ballot line. Antonacci has heard plenty of opposition to the school-standards policy while campaigning.
“Whether it’s Buffalo, or when I was down in Long Island last week, the people that are opposed to this standard, everybody has their own reasons. One of my reasons is the fact that the federal government sprinkles our money back in front of us to make a policy that no one agrees with. So this is a momentous occasion for our campaign.”
Lieutenant Governor Candidate Chris Moss says the issue behind the new ballot line fits in with other G-O-P priorities that are non-partisan.
“The majority of our platform issues are not geared toward republicans or democrats. Doesn’t matter if it’s corruption, the safe act, stop common core. So I think this is another venue for individuals who may be (registered) blank, or independence party, it gives them another option to say, ‘you know what, I can’t hit that republican line, but I definitely am against common core and I can vote on that ballot line.”
All Four candidates, including Gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astornioand Attorney General challenger John Cahill will be on the ‘Stop Common Core’ Line. A new Siena College poll does not have good new for the GOP, showing Astorino trailing Andrew Cuomo by more than 30 %, while Green Party Candidate Howie Hawkins draws 6% support. Antonacci is confident voters will respond to the message that’s being sent.
“And I can think of a more transparent method to explain to voters that these for individuals have committed themselves, as a group, to repeal and stop this educational initiative. We think it will translate into votes because we’ve been up front n what we’re going to do when elected.”
The candidates say the 62,000 signatures are the largest number of independent petitions ever filed in New York.