Students @ WAER
Want more information or to get involved in WAER? Apply Here.

Welcome to WAER, where Syracuse University students work as multimedia professionals.
Syracuse's NPR station is staffed by full-time experienced reporters, producers and on-air hosts. We are committed to working with aspiring content creators to give them the real-world opportunities they're being trained for in the classroom.
Students may choose to join our award-winning station in several areas including sports reporting, hosting, play-by-play coverage, news reporting, podcast and audio editing, web writing, on-air hosting and social media content creation.
Working at WAER offers you a unique opportunity to learn about the public media world in addition to the education around commercial news that you receive at Newhouse.
Interested undergraduate and graduate students across all majors are encouraged to apply.
Students pursuing a degree at SU that requires an internship may complete it at WAER but must meet certain criteria throughout the semester and ultimately receive approval from their adviser.
For any questions about volunteering or interning as a student, contact Holliday Moore at